As the 2013 season breaks open many of you out there are getting your old dock back into position in anticipation of another great summer. However, many of you may also be thinking about getting a new system and will soon discover that your choices have expanded to include several varieties of decking and support systems.
Wading through these options can be daunting as investing in a dock for your lake is no small decision. These options range in design from the traditional free-standing dock to piling mount, roll-in, and floating systems for high tidal variation areas. The free-standing dock variety is available in wood, aluminum, and vinyl dock construction and ranges in length, structural design and decking materials.
In the free-standing design there are further variations that allow for greater spans to be achieved; a feature that is very useful if you are trying to minimize the appearance of dock posts above the deck or if your lake bottom conditions make it difficult to install support posts. In this article we will focus on one design that is built around this need: the Shore Station Shorebridge.
The Shorebridge
The look of this design is unique in the free-standing category, bringing a stylish, structural emphasis with a painted truss design available in free-standing, piling mount, and roll-in support options. This truss design is what gives the Shorebridge its reach, reducing the additional expense of extensive support hardware that can quickly inflate the out of pocket cost for a new system.
With unique 2″x4″ drop-in decking panels, this system is very easy to install in both residential and commercial applications. The beige powder paint coating creates a stylish look with a non-skid decking surface that also resists heating in direct sunlight. This dock system is designed with a truss frame to give you a very rigid and adaptable dock system that will grow with you and features many accessories; both functional and decorative.
The system can be designed with a 4’x8′ ramp that can be connected to as many dock sections as you require. Each section features the beige powder coated truss support and can be easily connected to additional sections as well as the corner sections, giving any configuration a great look and flow. Designed with adaptability in mind, this system from ShoreStation will bring years of reliable use and growth to your waterfront.
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